Judge digitally! Colombian court uses 'Metaverse' to hold trial

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  • Jiraporn66 NONNOILL 1 year ago

    Colombian Courtสล็อต xoHolds First Metaverse Legal Trial And hope to try this again with virtual reality (VR).



    Reuters Reporting from Bogota. Colombia on February 26 that in a two-hour trial held by the Magdalena Administrative Court of Colombia. Participants appear as avatars in a virtual courtroom.



    Colombia was one of the first countries around the world to test legal trials in Metaverse. Or virtual reality that makes digital spaces feel more like real life? There is usually an avatar representing each participant.




    “It feels more real than a video call,” judge Maria Ginones Triana described the Metaverse experience as “more realistic.” "An amazing thing" because compared to using the "Zoom" program, many people turn off the camera. causing no idea what they were doing



    “This is an academic experiment to show that it is possible and when everyone agrees. The courts will then be able to proceed in the Metaverse,” Guinones added.



    As legal proceedings change It's a video conference organized by Zoom. And more and more Google, few have experimented with Metaverse. This is an area where Meta Inc., Microsoft and other tech giants are racing to build.

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