Lebanon hopes to preserve exhibition grounds after "unesco" listed as endangered

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  • Jiraporn66 NONNOILL 2 years ago

    Even if the arch is cracked andเกมสล็อต ดาวน์โหลดthe large pavilion will be empty But the dilapidated Rashid Karamy International Fairgrounds in Lebanon's port city of Tripoli are hopeful of being restored. After the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) added this place to its list. World Heritage site in danger



    Reuters Reporting from Tripoli. Lebanon on February 6 that although the exhibition is one of the key works of 20th century modernism in the Middle East region. But it has slowly deteriorated due to repeated battles over the past 60 years, poor maintenance and, most recently, Lebanon's protracted three-year financial crisis.



    “It was listed as a World Heritage Site exceptionally, quickly and urgently. Including being on the list of World Heritage Sites that are in danger. It's in a critical situation,” said Joseph Credy, UNESCO National Cultural Program official. Beirut said


    Credy added: It depends on the Lebanese authorities. In joint planning for the protection and rehabilitation of the area, UNESCO can help provide funding and technical expertise.


    Lebanon has five other UNESCO World Heritage Sites, most of them fortifications and ancient temples.


    Ms Mira Minkara, independent tour guide from Tripoli And members of the Tripoli branch of the Oscar Niémeier Foundation hope that the inclusion of the UNESCO World Heritage Site will bring new festivals, exhibitions and economic benefits to the city of Tripoli. which is the poorest city in the Mediterranean region Before the financial crisis in Lebanon


    Lebanon's cultural heritage has been hit hard. In recent years, including the 2020 bombing of the Beirut harbor, which destroyed many 19th-century homes in the historic area. and the financial crisis that causes power outages and subsequently affected the National Museum.

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