Research shows climate change is causing

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  • Jiraporn66 NONNOILL 1 year ago



    Research shows climateสล็อต Of course, we do not need to lock any prizes at all. Set the reward system with intelligent mechanisms. 100% no lock effect to be fair to all players. without a matter of capital to determine how much credit It certainly does not affect the bet.hange is causing Hurricane Ian to increase strength by 10%

    AFP news agency reported on Oct. 2 that research shows climate change is driving Hurricane Ian in strength. As a result, the amount of rainfall increased by 10%, according to preliminary analysis of US scientists. Hurricane Ian was one of the largest storms to hit the state of Florida.



    Michael Vener, a scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, was one of the scientists who discovered the data. give details that Climate change is not the cause of storm formation. But causing the storms that have formed more intense The researchers simulated the events of today's world with humans. This caused the global temperature to rise by about 1.2 degrees Celsius from the pre-industrial revolution. and a world without humans which causes the world's temperature to drop


    Mr Wener said The above process is only a preliminary prediction. It has not been widely reviewed by scientists elsewhere. However, the research process is based on a published method scientists used to study the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season. into the scientific journal Nature Communication



    Although global warming does not affect the number of tropical storm frequencies. and increasing cyclones But global warming has increased the intensity of the storms that form. Due to climate change, the level of ocean temperatures rises. and increasing the humidity in the atmosphere, which intensifies the hurricane. Scientists estimate that for every 1 degree Celsius increase in temperature, a 7% increase in air humidity.



    The total death toll from Hurricane Ian in the United States now stands at 62, with 58 in Florida and four in North Carolina. According to the AFP news agency, however, the death toll is unclear. Reuters reported the death toll in the United States at 83, of which 79 were in Florida and four in North Carolina. US President Joe Biden said Hurricane Ian could be a hurricane. The deadliest hurricane in Florida history.

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